The 24-hour event has closed via this platform, but CLICK HERE to make a gift to count towards our final Giving Day total!
University Excellence
Your gift matters.

Gifts to the University Excellence fund refers to donations made to Louisiana Tech University to support it's mission and goals. The Tech 2030 Strategic Framework is the culmination of the University's Vision: 

  • To be recognized as a pre-eminent public research university with an unparalleled learning experience.

Supporting the University Excellence fund means you entrust Dr. Les Guice's goals of:

1. PEOPLE: Cultivate learners, leaders and mentor for academic and professional excellence

2. KNOWLEDGE: Create scholarships and advance research & innovation

3. CULTURE: Advance an integrated environment enabling an unparalleled learning experience

This plan was created to usher our University into the most innovative time in our history and as a result, the Tech2030 Framework is the foundation for today's Giving Day. If you are uncertain to an area to give to today, a gift to this fund is a great choice!

Participating Groups:
Department Leaderboard!
Friendly competition: Which group will raise the most?
Rank Department Raised
1 Athletics $1,271,082.50
2 College of Applied and Natural Sciences $15,635.00
3 College of Education $14,523.94
4 College of Business $12,423.94
5 College of Engineering and Science $6,935.00
Tech 2030: Leaderboard
Tech 2030: Leaderboard
Rank Department Raised
1 PEOPLE $1,276,416.44
2 KNOWLEDGE $55,617.88
3 CULTURE $5,946.00
Let's color Bulldog nation Loyal Blue!
Rank State Gifts
1 LA 16
2 TX 7
3 GA 2
Don't forget to share!

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